How To Use A Fitness Journal and Actually Get Results | The Fitness Notebook: Your Secret Weapon - Fitness Mallomo

How To Use A Fitness Journal and Actually Get Results | The Fitness Notebook: Your Secret Weapon

 How To Use A Fitness Journal and Actually Get Results | The Fitness Notebook: Your Secret Weapon for Achieving Long-lasting Fitness Goals


Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exhilarating and challenging. Whether you're striving to shed a few pounds, build muscle, or improve your overall health, reaching your fitness goals can often seem like an uphill battle.  

However, there's a secret weapon that can significantly boost your chances of success: the fitness notebook, planner, or journal is a great secret weapon to have. In this article, we'll explore how this simple tool can help you not only reach your fitness goals faster but also maintain them for the long term.

Set Clear and Specific Goals

 The first step to achieving your fitness goals is setting them, but it's not enough to say, "I want to get in shape." A fitness notebook encourages you to define your goals with precision. Write down what you want to achieve, whether it's losing 20 pounds, running a 5k, or mastering a yoga pose. Make these goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to give yourself a clear path to follow.

This is important because your mind and body often need to align in order to reach any result. Most people make this mistake of just thinking they can hit a goal but, this is not the best. When you write it out you’ll notice a few things happen. 


You’ll notice you get a written commitment from yourself, and you can stop worrying about what step is next. You’ll get an internal barometer telling you if this truly is your idle goal. You make them think you want a bigger goal or a smaller goal. The key thing is to feel both motivated and a true sense of accomplishment if it is reached. This is why motivation is great, so keeping some photos of every stage you think you might want to hit is a great starter and showing the perfect example of how you want to look or the outcome you want most, gets you better results.

Create a Structured Plan


A fitness notebook helps you design a well-structured plan tailored to your goals. Break your goals down into smaller, manageable steps. Use the notebook to schedule workouts, plan meals, and track your progress. Having a structured plan in place not only keeps you accountable but also prevents you from feeling overwhelmed.


Most people do not know this but there are better times to go to the gym in terms of neurological results and endorphin factors. Yet, behavioral factors weigh in a lot higher. So yes, working out at 5am or earlier has a much higher impact than in the middle of the day, as it sets up your endorphins to move you through the day. The behavior of getting to the gym in general consistently, no matter the time, still outweighs that. 


So what you want to use your planner for here is:

Creating a workout

Tracking your reps

Tracking your weight lifted

Breaking Down Work out session into interval - 


5 minutes - Cardio

20 minutes

10 reps x 2 sets - 10lbs calf raises

10 reps x 2 sets - 80 lbs hip thrusters

8 reps x 2 sets - Just the Bar - Deadlifts

10 reps x 2 sets - 10lbs calf raises

10 reps x 2 sets - 80 lbs hip thrusters

8 reps x 2 sets - Just the Bar - Deadlifts


5 minutes stretch


A quick breakdown like this is a great example. Now this is just an example and you would probably do a slightly different grouping. I’d suggest searching the internet for a workout plan for you.


Here’s a better example of a workout routine that would work -

5 minutes - Cardio

40 minutes

Back Squat or Deadlift: 4 sets x 10 reps.

Power Clean: 4 x 8.

Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squat: 4 x 8 per side.

Single-Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 4 x 8 per side.

Dumbbell Lateral Lunge: 4 x 10 per side.


5 minutes stretch

With that said you can start out with less reps. The goal is to actually just feel the areas you are attempting to build a contract and get sore. The soreness is always a day later when the lactic acid builds up but, the old adage is, if it wasn’t sore, then you could lift some more. 

Track Your Progress

One of the most powerful aspects of a fitness notebook is its ability to track your progress. Regularly record your workouts, meals, and any relevant metrics, such as weight, body measurements, or the number of push-ups you can do. This data allows you to see your achievements and identify areas that may need improvement. Seeing tangible progress can be incredibly motivating and help you stay committed to your goals.


Reflect and Adapt

Fitness is a journey with ups and downs, and a fitness notebook can serve as your compass. Use it to reflect on your experiences, both positive and negative. Did you miss a workout? Did you indulge in an extra slice of cake? Write it down. Reflect on what caused the setback and how you can avoid it in the future. Adapt your plan as needed to overcome obstacles and stay on track.


Hold Yourself Accountable

Accountability is a key factor in achieving fitness success. Your fitness notebook becomes your accountability partner. When you see your goals and progress in writing, you're less likely to make excuses or skip workouts. It serves as a constant reminder of what you're working towards and why it's important to you.


Celebrate Achievements

Every step forward in your fitness journey is worth celebrating. Use your fitness notebook to acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Did you increase your bench press by 5 pounds? Write it down and give yourself a pat on the back. Celebrating these victories boosts your confidence and reinforces your commitment to long-term success.


Maintain Consistency

Consistency is the secret sauce to long-lasting fitness results. Your fitness notebook helps you establish a routine and stick to it. By recording your workouts, meals, and progress, you create a sense of accountability that encourages you to stay consistent in your efforts.


In the pursuit of fitness goals, the fitness notebook, planner, or journal can be your most valuable ally. It helps you set clear goals, create structured plans, track your progress, hold yourself accountable, and adapt as needed. With the guidance of your notebook, you'll not only reach your fitness goals quicker but also maintain them for the long term. So, grab a notebook, start writing, and watch your fitness aspirations become a reality.

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